AI en recht

Hersenimplantaten van Neuralink: de toekomst of een stap te ver?
Techbedrijf Neuralink, opgericht door Elon Musk en een team van wetenschappers en engineers, is sinds dit jaar weer een stapje dichter bij zijn transhumanistische doel om menselijke vermogens aanzienlijk te verbeteren met hersenimplantaten. Deze week implanteerde Neuralink succesvol een hersenchip bij een mens, nadat het in mei vorig jaar groen licht had gekregen van de…
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European Commission proposes AI liability rules: the Product Liability Directive
In a series of three blog-posts, I share my first observations regarding the proposed EC “AI-package”, a set of proposals that aims for the creation of “trust” of citizens in AI technology that is to be developed and deployed in the European Union. In the first blogpost I sketched the backgrounds that motivated the Union…
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European Commission proposes AI liability rules: the AI Liability Directive
In a series of three blogposts, I share my first observations regarding the proposed EC “AI-package”, a set of proposals that aims for the creation of “trust” of citizens in AI technology that is to be developed and deployed in the European Union. In the first blog I sketched the backgrounds that motivated the Union…
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European Commission proposes AI liability rules: Introduction
Exciting news from Brussels: the European Commission has recently published a proposed set of rules governing Artificial Intelligence (AI) liability, two years after the European Parliament published its own proposal regarding liability for AI. The package consists of two proposals, regarding the revision of the Product Liability Directive (PPLD), and a directive regarding the adaptation…
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